A Collaborative Approach

In a service sector where institutional values are so similar, how can a school or university create a distinctive and sustainable position? We have found that programs/curriculum and associated services to be among the most significant factors that can directly impact student recruitment.

Unlike in many education institutions, where programs typically are an academics-only domain, we believe that building a collaborative approach, incorporating a market perspective to course and curriculum management is required in open and choice based education contexts.

What do we do?

We work with education institutions to build success and market orientation in portfolio at four levels:

  • New Course Market Testing and Demand Analysis
  • Existing Course Refresh
  • Enrolment and Demand Analysis
  • Pricing

How do we do it?

Using a range of primary and secondary research techniques and associated consultancy support, we can help you answer questions such as:

  • Is there a market for the new programs that we are considering or currently offering?
  • How does recruitment to our existing programs fare compared to others?
  • What do key stakeholders (students, prospects, alumni, industry, education agents and professional bodies) think about our programs?
  • How do we communicate and market the benefits of our curriculum/courses?
  • Why are we struggling to convert prospects from enquiry to application or application to enrolment?
  • How attractive to students is a particular course, and which are the key recruitment markets?
  • Where are the gaps in our current curriculum portfolio, and how might we best approach new program development to fill these?
  • Are there areas of our portfolio that we could consider for rationalisation or divestment in order to improve the effectiveness of the portfolio as a whole?

The 5Rs Partnership offers a suite of unique portfolio management tools to assist institutions in their program development processes, including the EMMAP (Economic Market Attractiveness of Portfolio) Scorecard.

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