Is your reputation known and managed?

Abraham Lincoln once said that ‘Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.’

Can any education institution really afford not to know the trees from the shadows?

Reputation is the single most important asset of any educational institution. It is also richly valued and viewed positively in education communities. This is because reputation is more closely associated with people focused, professional services such as education.

The concept of reputation is the mindset and management frame needed for contemporary education contexts. Above all, it leads directly to positive ‘word of mouth’, the single most effective driver of reputation and recruitment for the education sector.

Yet there is still a genuine lack of robust evidence and coordinated responsibility in education to build, manage and evaluate reputation in a holistic sense.

Expert Solutions- What We Do and How?

  • Reputation is the focal centrepiece and pervasive framework of our consulting and research practice. We are unmatched in approach, and capacity to monetize reputation for the education sector.
  • We apply reputation as the catalyst to build educational credentials, convey those credential perceptions to shape public opinion, and provide alignment and unity in future trajectory.
  • Reputation is characterised by its strategic controllability. We know reputation is determined from accumulated activity – more by what we do (reality), than by what we say (rhetoric). Our reputational frameworks offer a novel, integrated management lens that span both market (enrolment) and educational success. We bring a bridge between what an education institution says about itself (marketing) and actually does (reality).
  • Among 5Rs Partnership IP is The Reputation Assessor, a renowned evaluation research tool that incorporates a robust and practical process to measure and build reputation specifically for education institutions.